Reiki for Animals

Animals live energy, and for that reason are incredibly receptive to Reiki treatments.
What Can Reiki Do for My Dog?
Dogs can benefit from a course of Reiki treatments, regardless of age or state of health, and beneficial changes can take place over a fairly short space of time. Below are some of the problems that myself and others have found Reiki to help with:-
- Physical Injuries
- Behaviour Issues
- Stomach Trouble
- Anxiety/Fear (including fireworks and when visiting vet)
- Nervous or Timid Dogs
- Performance
- Owner/Pet Relationship/Bond
- Appetite Loss
- Separation Anxiety.
What Can Reiki Do for My Horse?
I don't know of any scientifically proven cases of the effects of Reiki on equines, however, here is a list of some problems that myself and others have found Reiki to help with:-
- Sweet itch
- Tendon Injuries
- Ligament Injuries
- Laminitis
- Colic
- Loading Problems
- Spooking
- Emotional Issues
- Anxiety
- Appetite loss
- Weaving
- Wind Sucking
- Cribbing
- Box Walking
- Physical Injuries
- Pre-show Nerves
- Competition Stress (for horse and rider!)
- Performance
- Separation Anxiety
- Catching Up
- Groundwork
- Riding
- Owner / Horse Relationship
For canine/feline treatments I can come to your home to treat your pets, or work remotely (the end result is the same either way). This way, your furry family will feel completely at ease in familiar surroundings while being treated. Some animals like to hop up on my knee to be treated, others like me to sit beside them on the floor, and occasionally I will just maintain a distance of a metre or so (more commonly during the first treatment) while the animal gets used to the feeling of the energy flowing to them. Some animals get up and move around during treatment, some want to go outside for a pee then come back again - that's absolutely fine and I just carry on channelling Reiki to them!
Should your animal be in a veterinary clinic/hospital and you wish them to be treated, please contact me. I can either send distance Reiki to them, or visit them in the veterinary clinic/hospital, providing this is acceptable to the veterinary staff.
For equine/large animal treatments I'll either come to your yard or work remotely with them - your animal can remain in their stable or field (again wherever they feel most comfortable) while I treat them. In the interests of safety, for the first treatment I shall always treat from the other side of the gate. Your equine will still be receiving the same amount of energy as they would if my hands were actually on them. Quite incredible really!!
Animals, like humans, tend to need to drink lots of water after a Reiki treatment (the difference is, the animals don't have to be told to drink!). Please make sure you have plenty of fresh, clean water available for them at all times.
Prefer an in-person visit for your animal?
I tend not to do home/yard visits so often these days, although it is still an option for me to do these visits. If you would like me to visit your animal please contact me directly, and I can see what we can work out between us. It does mean that I need to charge a bit extra to cover fuel costs and extra time involved.
IMPORTANT - Before an animal treatment
Before any Reiki Practitioner can carry out a Reiki treatment on your animals, you must first seek approval from your vet. This should consist of a simple phone call, to establish that your Vet is happy for your animal to receive Reiki.
Reiki is a complementary therapy and is not intended to replace medical or veterinary care and advice. Persons or animals needing medical/veterinary attention should call their doctor/Veterinary Surgery.