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Who I Am and What I Do

My Story


My Work, My Life, My Qualifications....

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site.

My name is Annie Robertson, Reiki Master/Teacher and owner of Beck Therapies.

I am a proud mother and grandmother.  I currently live in South Queensferry, to the West of Edinburgh, with my wonderful Spanish rescue dog, Hugo.

I am passionate about animals, and take a particularly keen interest in the rescue of greyhounds and Spanish hunting dogs,  and the conservation, protection and reintroduction of wolves.  

My journey with Reiki began a few years ago and I feel honoured to now be able to bring Reiki into the lives of others.  I received my first connection to Reiki in 2011.  I was absolutely blown away by how it helped me through particularly challenging life events, and soon wanted to share and learn so much more.  I started Beck Therapies, my Reiki business, in 2012 - this was an incredible year of Reiki experiences for me - I travelled to the Lincolnshire/Cambridgeshire border on many occasions to attend courses, and obtain as much experience and as many qualifications as I could.

I've been lucky enough to train with two of the most amazing, and experienced Reiki teachers in the UK; Taggart King, Course Director of Reiki Evolution and Sarah Berrisford of Epona Equine Reiki Centre / Reiki Evolution. 

My Reiki qualifications are as follows:-

Shoden (Reiki First Degree)
Okuden (Reiki Second Degree)
Shinpiden (Reiki Master/Teacher)

Basic Equine Reiki
Advanced Equine Reiki
Equine Reiki Master Practitioner
Foundation Animal Reiki
Animal Reiki Advanced Practitioner

Animal Reiki Master Practitioner
Equine Reiki Drum Master Practitioner

Reiki Drum Master Practitioner
​Reiki Drum Master Teacher

I chose to do all my reiki training with Reiki Evolution teachers after having the most incredible experiences on Sarah Berrisford's Equine Courses.  I had previously been given "westernised" Reiki training.  Sarah (and her wonderful horses) taught me so much about the original system and how incredibly powerful, beautiful, gentle and simple Reiki actually is. 

One of my biggest inspirations in my journey with Reiki has been my beautiful rescue Greyhound, Robbie - pedigree name Beck Boy (hence my business being called Beck Therapies).  Robbie was the most amazing soul; a real mamma's boy.  Sadly he passed away just as I was beginning to learn Reiki, but he was helped massively by Reiki when he made his way to Rainbow Bridge.  I'll never forget how blown away I was with the comfort he received from having Reiki channeled to him in his final hours on earth.   He will live on in my heart, and he's left the most amazing legacy with humans and animals being helped in so many ways by Reiki every day now. 

My Greyhound, Kobi, is another inspirational character.  He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in October 2012.  I was told that he had around 2 weeks to live.  There was no question of treating him with chemotherapy - he didn't cope well in the veterinary hospital - so he was brought home and treated with love, positivity and Reiki.  He stuck around for almost five years after his diagnosis - you would never have known there was anything wrong with him - especially when you saw him playing with his brother, Hugo.

Hugo was found wandering the streets of Murcia, with kennel cough, ear infection, skin condition and under weight - to see him now is incredible.  The difference since he came to live in Scotland in February 2013 is fantastic - another great testimony to the wonders of Reiki!

I need to give a special mention to my other Greyhound, Bertie, he was my first Greyhound and the most incredible soul.  He loved everybody - he was my Director of First Impressions - always the first to greet people, and loved children especially.  He was a typical Greyhound - beautiful, graceful, gentle and loving.  I'm truly honoured that he chose my family.  He was also a massive Reiki addict - he absolutely loved it, and would often lie by my feet when I was meditating or self healing so that he could benefit from the energy fact they all did - it was very common to "come round" after doing energy work and find a "houndfest" on the floor around me!

For me, Reiki is about love and healing for the greater good.  Yes, this is a business, but it's not just about money for me.  Yes, I need to pay the bills and put food on the table, but this is about getting Reiki out there as much as possible.  Wanting to share my incredible experiences with Reiki was a massive part in my decision to teach.  As a teacher I can take Reiki to so many more people - and of course that multiplies, and multiplies again - it's awesome!!  I'm forever humbled by the fact I get to watch as my students and clients become well, physically and emotionally, finding their wings , learning to fly in the big wide world - viewing it with new eyes, letting go of old ideals, and learning to love themselves too. What could be better?

I truly hope that by reading this that you feel inspired to have Reiki as a part of your life.

With love and light

Annie xx  

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